Want to get a head start?
Being young doesn’t necessarily mean being care-free these days, which is why it’s so important to get a head start when it comes to managing your finances. Whether you’re saving to buy your first home, looking to get into investing, purchasing a car, or planning a trip around the world, there are a lot of firsts you can have in your 20’s – and with our help, you can get there sooner.
Our Head Start Package has been designed specifically for those under 30 looking to up their financial game and reach their goals sooner, while laying solid foundations to secure your financial future. We’ll work with you throughout the year to help keep you on track so you can focus on making those firsts a reality.
What we do
With our experience, understanding of current trends, opportunities and issues, and our professional knowledge, we can create a solid financial plan to help you make the best possible choices for today and the future.
We’ll help you understand:
- Where is all my money going? We’ll review your cash-flow and get you set-up with budgeting and cash-flow management software to help you take control of your spending.
- Is my superfund right for me? Still using the superfund from your first job, or have multiple accounts all over the place? We’ll review each of your super accounts to ensure they are positioned for the correct investment strategy to suit you, and make recommendations based on fees and investment choices.
- Can I really afford to buy a home? We’ll help you turn your dream of owning a home into a reality, helping you to understand when you’ll be able to, and what you need to do to make it happen.